Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Man Who Shocked the World

This book bored me, but the results were very interesting. I always wondered how Nazi soldiers were able to torment and kill people, but now it's not surprising when people can shock the heck out of someone just because they get a word wrong. So think of if they have it drilled into their head that Jews, gypsies, etc. are lower life form, and they have no remorse killing these people. The experiments were well-thought out and fun to read, but some of the material was drawn out and unnecessary, such as the stuff about his personal life, his death, getting money for research, etc. I enjoyed hearing what conclusions he came to because it explained a lot about behavior.

I also agreed with it being hard to ask someone to give up a seat. I've never done it before, but asking simple favors from friends such as, "Can I borrow that book?" is hard for me to ask. I can't imagine asking a stranger to give up their seat. And I won't lie... If I found a letter addressed to Liberal Youth, I wouldn't deliver it like I would to the Republican Party. The book was historical and interesting, but had a little fluff. I enjoyed it overall, and found the results very interesting.


  1. Ya it definitely shed some light on the behavior of the Nazi soldiers. I mean if people can torture someone just because out of pride or embarrassment of not wanting to mess up the experiment its pretty easy to imagine the Nazi's doing what they did after all the propaganda and probably even threats on their life and family.

  2. I agree. The book would have been much more enjoyable if they had left out the unnecessary details of his personal life. I found the experiments were definitely more relevant and interesting. Then again, I guess it was a biography of his life..oh well.

  3. The subway experiment was one of my favorites. I actually did not fully appreciate the title having "shocked" in it until I started reading other people's blogs.
